085 Job Security Through Business Ownership with Melinda Livingstone

Our guest today is innovation coach Melinda Livingstone, who founded her company, IncomeConnection, after a 20+ year corporate career in Sydney, Australia.  IncomeConnection leverages what she learned developing business cases  to help clients identify business ideas that are a good fit for them through a combination of innovation processes and personal reflection.

Melinda is part sounding board for ideation, part safe harbor for incubation, and part midwife for assisting those who want to bring new businesses to life.

Here’s what we cover:

  • Why business ownership can be more secure than a corporate career;

  • The mindset shift from employee to entrepreneur;

  • How to identify and leverage your business assets and experiences;

  • Some common challenges when starting a business; and

  • The importance of wellness for start-up entrepreneurs.

We end this episode with our Dose of Inspiration segment, where Melinda shares some of the things that are lighting her up these days.


IncomeConnection – Melinda’s website

LinkedIn – IncomeConnection

Book:  Status Anxiety – Alain de Botton

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