010 Wellness Wednesday: How to Create a Meaningful Practice

#010  Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.

In this episode, Kathy explores how to create a meaningful practice.  At its core, a practice is a method for showing up and connecting with yourself.  You can think of your practice as an intentional way to bear witness to your life.

Topics covered include:

  • What is a practice?

  • Why practice?

  • Elements that create a practice

You can create a practice around any activity you feel deeply drawn to:  writing, walking, meditating, visual arts, music, being in nature, to name a few.

Your practice is an investment in yourself.  It will continuously evolve as you grow, opening new possibilities along the way.  And it's a wonderful way to bring a light heart and beginner's mind to an activity you love.

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