015 Journaling for Well-being

#015  In this episode, Kathy shares her go-to practice to work through all of life's complexities. It's also the simplest way to support and boost well-being. The practice is journaling - part confidant, part sounding board, part traveling companion - going to the page can be a salvation.

Whether you're a seasoned journaler or someone who is journaling-curious, there's something for you in this episode. And no, you don't need to consider yourself a writer.

These are the themes we explore: 

  • What journaling for well-being is and why it works,

  • How to do it

  • How to strengthen the writer’s muscle by going deeper on a topic.

The practice of journaling is  expansive and feels like discovery. It encompasses large life themes, such as personal relationships, professional matters, work/life balance, major life changes and envisioning the next phase of life. Journaling is a healthy way to ponder, explore and process  significant life experiences.

Links mentioned during the show:
Emotional and Physical Health Benefits of Expressive Writing

Cognitive Benefits of Writing

Expressive Writing, Dr. James W. Pennebaker

Spark Change:  108 Provocative Questions for Spiritual Evolution

Bullet Journal

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