027 Creativity as a Wellness Practice

In this episode, Kathy shares another important component of holistic well-being, creative living, which is as critical to wellness as nutrition, movement and rest.  Creative living is all about the beauty and richness of life.  It’s about what “lights you up.”  It’s the good stuff.

 And… it’s the deep stuff.  Just like wellness – creativity is a process. What makes you feel creative is personal to you.

Here’s what we’ll be talking about today:

  • The basics: What is creativity? Where can you find it? How can you hone it?

  • The positive correlation between creativity and wellness and the impact of suppressing creative expression

  • How to incorporate creativity into your busy days and ways to cultivate a creative, inspiring life.

By the end of this episode, I hope you’ll consider making creativity part of your wellness plan so you can be well by filling your creative well.

Links mentioned during the show:
Holistic Wellness Spectrum (Note: scroll down to the bottom of the page)

Study – 2010 The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature

 Study – 2014 Can Musical Training Influence Brain Connectivity?

 Study - Optimism and Well-being

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