037 What We Can Learn From Minimalism

Minimalist Joshua Becker defines minimalism as “The intentional promotion of the things that bring you joy and the removal of those that do not.”  It seems simple enough, doesn’t it?  Determine which possessions, people and activities are important to you and let go of what doesn’t add value.  So, what trips us up?

It’s estimated that the average American home has tripled in size over the past 50 years and contains 300,000 items.  And the Environmental Protection Agency has reported that Americans throw away more than 25 billion pounds of reusable textiles each year – that’s 70 pounds per American adult.

We don’t have to be minimalists to learn from minimalism.  I believe we’re all longing for a bit of space and simplicity.  Today we’ll explore what makes us mindlessly consume and how we can increase our awareness to be more mindful of how we spend our time and money and move toward a simple lifestyle of essential elements.


George Carlin – Stuff

Joshua Becker – 21 Surprising Stats that Reveal How Much We Really Own

EPA – Don’t Trash Your Old Clothes

The Minimalists

Colin Wright

Leo Babauta

Courtney Carver

Erin Boyle

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