049 Why Shifting Your Perspective is a Useful Wellness Strategy

Today we explore stories about star trails and ocean tides and how to use the natural world to shift your perspective whenever you’re feeling stuck, anxious or unsure

From the Milky Way to a grain of sand – there’s so much awe, so much we don’t know.  Yet we tend to forget this – and its impact – as we live our day to day lives in between this wonder.

I was reminded of this when I came across two short memoir pieces I wrote years ago, which I’ll share with you.  One was about an experience I had looking at the night sky and the second was about walking on the beach at sunrise.  

Back then, that sense of wonder I felt was something I could only tap into in times like that, miles away from my everyday life.  But I’ve come to learn that we can tap into this place of awe and curiosity if you’re open to it whenever you’d like – and it can change your whole perspective, so much so that this practice can become a useful wellness strategy.

And that’s what we’ll be exploring today.  I’ll read those pieces about how two experiences in the natural world helped me see my world differently.  I’ll tell you a bit about what I learned as a result and then we’ll end the episode with some practical ways you can invite these types of experiences into your daily life.

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