051 What is Holistic Money Management? with Julia Prisco, CFP

I’m joined today by certified financial planner, Julia Prisco, who helps her clients fulfill their full financial potential with a process she calls Life Planner

Julia has an interesting backstory that includes emigrating to the United States from Ukraine when she was a child and watching her parents work hard to make a new life in America.  Watching her parents save but not invest inspired Julia’s career path.

We cover a range of topics including:

  • What holistic money management is and why that approach is beneficial;

  • The surprising impact the pandemic has had on attitudes towards money;

  • The impact of our upbringing on our beliefs, emotions and approach to finances and how we can rewrite that story; and

  • Practical steps to enhance our relationship with money.

We end this episode with our Dose of Inspiration segment, where Julia shares some of the things that are lighting her up these days.

I came away from this conversation with a practical understanding on the importance of holistic life planning and taking the emotion out of the financial decisions we make by relying on facts and educating ourselves.


My Brilliant Friend – book series

Julia Prisco - website

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