069 Embracing JOMO

#069  One of the inroads to accessing our inner wisdom is the act of simplifying by slowing down.  We experienced this on a global level as we entered different phases of lockdown over the last 18 months.  Now that we’re beginning to re-engage with the world, we have choices to make – will we resume the level of activity we once had or will we be making some changes.

More importantly, what’s the intention behind the decisions we make?  Is it the Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO?  And if we decide to make different choices, how do we make them joyfully and maybe even experience JOMO – the Joy of Missing Out?  That’s what we’ll be exploring today. 

We’ll cover:

  • What is the Fear of Missing Out and its antidote, the Joy of Missing Out?

  • How can simple living help you slow down and increase joy? and

  • How you can experiment with simple, slow living?

How might living at the right pace with a focus on how to best spend your time change your life?  In the words of Warren Buffet, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” 


Time Spent on Social Media – study

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