188 The Impact of Building Bridges with Nancy Napier

Today’s episode is a masterclass on how to create a unique career in an established field by following your curiosity and pursuing your passions.

Kathy is joined today by Nancy Napier, Distinguished Professor Emerita at Boise State University.  Nancy describes herself as an academic entrepreneur and her achievements throughout her 35+ year career are voluminous.

Here’s what we cover:

  • How Nancy’s unique career unfolded;

  • Nancy’s work in Vietnam, which includes a book, a film, and executive MBA residencies;

  • Sparking fresh organizational thinking through cross-pollination;

  • The importance of blending structure with creativity; and

  • How to make “A-ha moments” happen.


Nancy’s website:  www.nancyknapier.com

Nancy’s book:  The Bridge Generation of Vietnam

Nancy’s book:  Wise Beyond Your Field

Nancy’s film:  We to Me Project

Nancy’s email:  nknapier@earthlink.net

Nancy’s email:  nnapier@boisestate.edu

TV show:  The Reluctant Traveler

The Athena Wellness Academy:  https://athenawellnessacademy.teachable.com


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