222 Wellness Wednesday Vancast: Reimagining Midlife Wellness, Part IX - The Plan

Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.

This show is a Walking the Talk Vancast, a portable episode that’s informal and casual, recorded on the go from wherever Kathy finds herself on the day of recording.

In this episode, Kathy’s sharing how she utilized The Athena Principles and related practices we reviewed in this mini-series on Reimagining Midlife Wellness to create a wellness plan for the remainder of 2023.

Kathy then invites you to create your own wellness plan using a free download. If you’re looking to enhance your well-being as you welcome a new chapter of your life, this is the episode for you!


The Athena Principles Overview and Action Plan:  https://athenawellness.com/actionplan

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