077 Welcoming Seasonal Change

Well before autumn begins, we can sense the seasonal shift, feeling the summer wind down in spite of the warm weather.  We may begin to crave rest, balance and a slower pace.  To prepare for the months ahead, we may gather, harvest and store for the winter season.  We may also settle into more of a routine at school or work.

How do we ground ourselves in what the season offers?  What can we learn from these natural cycles?

You may find the deeper you go to connect with the energy of the season each day, the easier and more enjoyable the seasonal transition becomes.

And that’s what we’ll be exploring today.  We’ll cover:

  • The two main energetic shifts of the year (spring and autumn)

  • What the autumn seasonal shift can bring

  • Autumn practices to work with this energy

No matter where you are in the world, may you find this season meaningful – filled with bountiful harvests, enriching celebrations and deep connections. 


Seasonal Food Guide

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