018 Wellness Wednesday: Are You Working Against Yourself?

#018  Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.

In this episode, Kathy works with the Joseph Campbell quote: "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."

Have you ever set out to do something healthy for yourself feeling super committed, enthusiastic and energized? You make the plans, get the gear and start to take steps toward long-term change. But at some point, you lose momentum. You beat yourself up a bit, get back on track and give it a solid effort. And then something else derails you. Weeks go by and that intention you set becomes a memory.

As I wrote in ​The Athena Principles,​ there's a distance between where you are today and where you want to be. And embedded in the terrain between here and there is change. As we begin to cross that terrain, if we feel the change we want to make will cause more discomfort than the pain we're experiencing in our current situation, we may opt to stay trapped in a life situation that's not desirable.

In other words, we begin to work against ourselves. And that's what we'll be exploring today. 

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