041 How to Stay Well in Changing Times

We’re undergoing a huge shift once again as we being to re-engage with the world, not just in terms of getting back into our social routines, but readjusting to the pace of change.

Author Ray Kurtzweil, who is also the Director of Engineering at Google, has written about the acceleration of change, predicting a doubling of paradigm shift rate each decade.  That’s a staggering rate of increase, translating to 20,000 years of technological advance in the 21st century instead of 100, based on his models.

How do we navigate these relentless seismic shifts and how can we fortify ourselves for oncoming waves of change that will inevitably speed up as the years continue?

That’s what we’ll be exploring in this episode.  We’ll cover:

  • The difference between change and transition;

  • The lesson of impermanence; and

  • How to keep well in mind, body and spirit in the acceleration.

Change will inevitably occur.  It’s part of our human experience.  How will you choose to respond and stay well?


Book:  When Things Fall Apart – Heart Advice for Difficult Times – Pema Chodron

Website:  Pema Chodron Foundation

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