158 Wellness Wednesday Vancast: Small Steps, Big Strides

Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.

This show is a Walking the Talk Vancast, a portable episode that’s informal and casual, recorded on the go from where Kathy finds herself on the day of recording.

Kathy’s in her van in the woods near her home today sharing a recent wellness win at CrossFit that felt unattainable just a few months prior.  But she created a way to track a daily small win that added up to bigger gains throughout the summer and autumn, adding to her capacity to handle harder workouts at the gym.

Kathy invites you to bring a goal to mind and work with five questions to help focus you on creating a path of continual progress and momentum.

If you’ve been looking for a way to move toward an elusive goal, this is the episode for you.


The Athena Wellness Academy:  https://athenawellnessacademy.teachable.com

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