159 Transformation in Technicolor with Rachel Awes

Today’s episode is such an absolute delight – uplifting and inspiring.  It’s about recognizing the beauty of life and alchemizing the sometimes painful parts into artful wisdom.  It’s about the art of feeling younger in midlife.  And it’s about finding your inner treasure chest and filling it with whatever you believe belongs inside, including the things that bring you joy.

I’m joined today by psychologist, author and artist Rachel Awes.  In speaking about her work as a psychologist for almost 30 years, she says, “I have had the great honor of listening to what human beings most deeply long for.  We need to know: we aren’t alone, we hold worth beyond measure, we can trust and use our voice, we can cope well with vulnerability and imperfection, we can experience authenticity, we can be empowered and selective in our relationships, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt we belong.”

Here's what we cover in this lovely conversation:

  • Working with difficult emotions in a life-affirming way;

  • Bringing the beauty of human transformation to the page;

  • Finding the buried treasure within; and

  • How to get younger as you get older.

Rachel’s latest book is called: The Relationship Book, A Soulful Transformational and Artistic Inventory of Your Connective Life.


Rachel’s website:  RachelAwes.com

Rachel’s Etsy shop:  RachelAwesEtsy

Book:  Let Your Life Speak, Listening for the Voice of Vocation by Parker J. Palmer

Jane Fonda Magazine Cover @ 79: Town & Country

Grace and Frankie:  Wikipedia Series Overview

The Athena Wellness Academy:  https://athenawellnessacademy.teachable.com 

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